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Favourite Movies of 2010

Unlike last year, which was filled with a slew of 'good' movies, this year’s offerings seemed more hit or miss; absent was the grey area, as far as wide releases were concerned. I had trouble compiling a top 10 list as the movies below 5 were ones that I enjoyed rather than ones that truly captivated me. Still, the top 5 were great for what they were and helped to redeem the year from being a complete mess (although it was almost there).

You can view my favourite lists for the years (2009), (2008), (2007), and (2006).

Anyhow, here's this year in reverse order:

10. Kick-Ass (review)

9. Catfish (review)

8. The Fighter (review) – The Fighter was a good movie made great thanks to some outstanding performances.

7. True Grit (review) – Much like The Fighter, I feel as though the performances outshadowed the movie. Still, as a whole, this was an enjoyable movie, and I think more polished than The Fighter, hence it’s 1-up.

6. Buried (review)/127 Hours (review)/Frozen (review) - I didn't think it would be fair to put one of these on the list without the others, so I'm sort of cheating here. I enjoyed all three movies very much, probably in the order that you see written. Each movie was unique and had something different to offer. Each was able to convey this feeling of terror as you watched the situation unfold.

5. Scott Pilgrim VS The World (review) – Probably the most fun I had watching a movie in the theaters aside from Toy Story 3. Finally, someone who understands how I view life! It’s unfortunate that it was a failure at the box office despite the critical praise. A cult following is inevitable.

4. The Social Network (review)

3. Inception (review) – Christopher Nolan prints money and Inception furthers that case. The only thing that keeps this movie from being higher is the weak plot strewn together by some great and interesting plot devices. It was a great summer popcorn type of movie.

2. Toy Story 3 (review) – This was easily the best movie of the summer season. Pixar can do no wrong. Toy Story 3 had a way of touching all your emotions; you laughed, you cried, you were thrilled. No other movie this year, let alone the summer, was able to do this.

1. Black Swan (review) – There’s no other movie that left me in deep thought days after watching it this year. Unlike Inception, which compelled me with its plot devices and ideas, Black Swan compelled me with its plot.


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