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Favourite Movies of 2008

I know lots of critics are saying that this year was a great year for films, but personally, I feel last year was much better. I remember when I was trying to compile last year's list of favourite movies, I had a really tough time... every day I'd be swapping around in the top five places.

I've watched just about all of the so called highly acclaimed films this year (including 4 of the 5 best movies nominated by the Golden Globes) but didn't connect with many of them as others had. This year was a bit easier and I found that more than anything, I was scrambling to find movies to fill in the bottom of the list.

Anyhow, here they are in reversed order:

10. Forgetting Sarah Marshall - One thing I love about the Apatow ring of movies is that although its crude and silly humour a lot of the times, his crew understands that to make the comedy work, you've got to give your characters a lot of heart. The characters are always flawed but we're still sympathetic towards them. Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, and Mila Kunis were all quite awesome in this. The bonus of having Bill Hader (probably my favourite comedy actor) in this was also great.

9. Gran Torino (review)

8. American Teen (review) - I know many critics are saying Man on Wire was the best documentary this year, but of all the docs I've seen this past year, I didn't feel as much as a connection as I did with American Teen.

7. Revolutionary Road - Stephen Colbert has called the "Titantic Part 2", and it might as well be, with Leo, Kate Winslet and even Kathy Bates in starring roles. But to me, this felt more like Sam Mendes' attempt at an "American Beauty Part 2". It's a perfect deconstruction of a middle-class family living in the suburbs during the 50's. The performances by Leonardo and Kate are tremondous, and it makes you really hurt inside because the situation that they're enveloped in is so shitty. Great flick.

6. Wall-E (review)

5. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (review)

4. Slumdog Millionaire (review)

3. The Dark Knight (review) - My review wasn't much of a review as it was a bunch of expletives, but there's not much to say to this that you haven't already seen, heard, or felt yourself. This movie was a great merger of the superhero genre and a crime drama. To me, it almost felt like a Scorsese gangster movie with Batman in it.

2. The Wrestler (review) - Not much more to say for this one. The only reason why I didn't make number 1 was because I knew I was going to love it and so there was a slightly higher standard for what I was expecting. Shouldn't take away from its greatness though.

1. The Fall (review) - This made it to first place mostly because I didn't know what I was expecting, and when the movie finished, I was dumbfounded as to why I had never heard of this movie before. The story was great and accessible to people of all ages, and because of the backdrop in the plot, it feels timeless as well. I enjoyed the story, I enoyed the characters, and most of all, I enjoyed all the visuals. This is only Tarsem's second feature, clearly the best of the two, and he has certainly set himself a high bar to leap.


Here is the list of movies that I saw in 2008. If there's anything that I missed that you enjoyed, feel free to recommend them to me. What were your favourites this year?

You can view my favourites of 2007 and 2006.


Stef A. said…
Good list! I loved The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I have yet to see Revolutionary Road but I bet I will enjoy it too ... and Gran Torino!

You have good taste in films. Good job!
The Lam said…
Thank you very much :) Do try and check out Revolutionary Road if you can. Really powerful performances by Kate and Leo.
Unknown said…
Hey! I just saw The Wrestler thanks to this list and I agree it was an amazing movie!

I didn't have any real expectations coming into the movie (as in I had no idea what it was going to be like) but it turned out to be a very moving film.

I found the Wrestler's character to be incredibly honest and really sympathized with him even though he was such a screw up.

Anyways thanks again for another great movie!

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