The key word that sticks out for me in that piece of scripture is 'promised'. It's a word that has so much weight in it. This isn't a promise made by man or by anyone who could be deceitful or sinful in nature. It is a promise from God. And because it's a promise from God, to us as followers in Christ, it is basically a guarantee. It's not a question of 'if' but a question of 'when'. I think because it's a promise that doesn't just include you and me but encompasses all creation, that it is such a grander hope than one that just involves me in Heaven.
I'm pretty sure at some point this was taught to me in the past, but either I don't remember it or it wasn't emphasized enough. Having thought about it for the past week, it's making more sense. I mean thinking about it from just a personal and human level, if my hope is only centered on myself getting to Heaven, in a way wouldn't that be a selfish goal? But if our hope is centered around Jesus returning, redeeming the earth, saving His people and basically fulfilling His promise, would that not be a more altruistic goal? After all, it is His story.
Anyhow, just thought I'd share that since it was on my mind this weekend. Until next time, later geeks!