My predictions are in the bold and the (c) denotes the current champions:
Santino & Beth Phoenix Vs. Kofi Kingston (c) & Mickie James (c):
Santino is a great man. His wrestling capabilities may leave more to be desired, but the man is a freaking genius on the mic. Imagine all the comedic promos that could come if he and Beth were to win the belts.
MVP Vs. Jeff Hardy:
I see Hardy going over as revenge to all of MVP's attacks in recent weeks.
Mark Henry (c) Vs. Matt Hardy:
Who cares.
John Cena Vs. Batista:
Cena wins and Batista's eventual heel turn nears. This match could have been so epic if they built it up towards Wrestlemania or at least a different PPV. But with only a two week build, it doesn't seem as significant. What a waste.
CM Punk (c) Vs. JBL:
Tough call. I want Punk to win, I really can't see them putting the title on JBL. However, Punk was made to look strong over JBL on Monday's Raw, and usually that's bad news for the person that's strong on the go-home show. So I want Punk to win, but I think JBL unfortunately.
Triple H (c) Vs. Great Khali:
Again, who cares.
Edge Vs. Undertaker (Hell in a Cell):
Undertaker wins, and Edge's downward spiral into madness continues.
We'll see how this all pans out. Later geeks.